Feb 24, 2010

Endless Work Week - curbing anxieties

I have been a BEEZY bee this week with 2 deadlines back to back so I'm sort of burning the candle at both ends. . . The tension at the office is scary... (what am I doing here.. taking a quick drink ! while the rest go take puffs !)
My son is still at his book, the end(of the book) is near.. I can see it. So that episode will soon be over.  The kids have been getting to bed late too, instead of their usual time because Mummy's late getting home (no I'm NOT upset!).

My endless work week will be over soon, by the end of Friday before I can breathe some again.

I wanted to share something with you
..To keep me going daily, (the ice-cream didn't last too long).. knowing and anticipating everything to happen in this looooong week, I have been either reading or thinking on this little prayer each morning and it has kept me not just going but calm too....  

Do Not Be Anxious

Do not be anxious, said our Lord,
Have peace from day to day-
The lilies neither toil nor spin,
Yet none are clothed as they,
The meadowlark with sweetest song
Fears not for bread or nest
Because he trusts our Father's love
And God knows what is best.

(H S Rice)


  1. I love this prayer!. And I needed that , today.
    Thank you!
    Betty xx

  2. Love this prayer!! Blessings and hugs, andrea

    PS: I have an updated prayer request on arise 2 write.

  3. Great prayer!

    You know, it really is a challenge juggling it all-work and family. Especially when the heat is up at work. I want to encourage you that your kids see what a hard worker you are and that it instills in them the value of work. That it's OK that you don't everything the perfect mommy way all the time - sometimes dinner is gonna be late cuz you got home from work late.

  4. This is great and something I needed to read tonight. Blessings.

  5. I have been ill and nothing gets done, pray the lord will let me have that peace too. Blessings

  6. That has been my strong belief always.. Very nice prayer.

  7. Just stumbled on your blog from Alice's. That's a sweet verse. Good luck with the busyness!


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