Sep 15, 2009


Cynical Moments

I constantly advise my kids to be the 'bigger person'. Is this good advice?
It's a war between the 'should' and the 'should not'... keep it under control or get mad don't keep it in; be diplomatic or be honest; give in or get satisfaction. It could mean we lose in the end.

There are times I can't apply the same, when I don't want to be objective, when I don't want to play fair, when I don't want to stay calm.

Letting ones' conscience over-rule you takes something out of one. Is having too much of a conscience a good thing? Is being right and doing right, one and the same or different?

Sometimes I think that conscience makes me weak.


  1. A conscience makes us human. We can feel and most importantly feel for others. As much as we feel that something is right and we should do it, but our conscience may take us back and say 'hey hold on a second, please think about it again'

    That's when we doubt ourselves and deem weak.
    Now let's see if we have courage to overcome our conscience. God Bless

  2. I slightly differ from many people on the subject of right and being right. i keep spreading a message - right and consceience is a respective term. nothing is right and nothing is wrong in universe. No rules are laid determined everything is respective to. Including the obsolute distance or time which is defined with respective to.

  3. Always comes back to the white, black and the grey.. it's all relative. We must make our own way.
    Thank you for your thoughts.

  4. A lot of these things are dependent on culture and what you do will bounce off different people differently. The absolute here is doing what will serve others best.


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