Dec 20, 2009

Sun Rise

Did you see it today,
it rose somewhat hesitant.
Glorious rays seemed penitent,
generous hues slowly unfolding
a deep orange haze yielding.
The morning clouds seemed hungover,
in shadows they were.
Rudely roused from their bower,
they were slow to awaken
to make way for the one, so golden.

A little sparrow eyed me as I watched
waiting for the light and warmth; to be touched.
It moved not from its' bough, a soft tweet,
yet not impatient.
I was woken by a whisper you see
to watch creation,
to witness a sight,
the coming of light. 

(HA- 2009)

Dec 18, 2009

'Christmas feeling'

This colleague of mine was going on about the ‘Christmas feeling’ and that was why she had ‘no mood to work’. I asked her what she meant, she said it’s like the feeling of a holiday coming up, lots of associates away from the office (on vacation), add that to lots of special cakes and food, extra lunches which come with year-end and receiving presents.  I suppose that’s what it sums up to for non-Christians, a combination of these factors at this time of year which creates that ‘Christmas feeling’.

That ‘Christmas feeling’ for me has always been the anticipation of the Lord’s coming, the Christmas mass and the preparations that include lighting the advent candle,  looking forward to a pageant, singing carols, Christmas music, the decorations, helping mum make special biscuits, putting up the crib or tree or both and the family get- together on the Day. There is an excitement as it draws nearer. Add warm greetings and well-wishes, it is a 'special' time of the year.

Very little has changed during this time of year since my childhood really, except that I do appreciate it better and instead of receiving gifts, I now give more than I receive, and that’s the extra activity involved for the season.

The Nativity reminds me of these words from St Louis De Montfort  "the world was unworthy to receive the Son of God immediately from the hands of the Father, he gave that Son to Mary in order that the world should receive him through her "

Dec 17, 2009

Crowds - not my scene

Yesterday I went down to Orchard Road (THE Shopping Hub) to do some present shopping. I usually avoid the place, if I can help it.

The bright lights and horrific crowds are always never my scene.
When I got there,  I just couldn’t wait to get out fast enough. 
People everywhere, milling on the sidewalks, taking pictures next to Santa and the figurines along the well decorated sidewalk. 

I don't know why but I felt lonely, all of a sudden.
Have you ever felt that sometimes and in certain activities you want to be alone and there are other times or places where you would rather be with family and not alone.
Is it the place or is it the moment ?

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