Jul 11, 2013

Self pity

Self pity...it's easy to fall into this hole,
they are fairly common along the road
we walk every day.
It comes from holding on to the past.
Let go.
Unfortunately those around us 
don't always let us forget
and moments, words in exchange
force us to remember bitter thoughts.
and then we fall.


  1. nice thought..self pity is really a black hole

  2. BM i relate to this angst. The whole gamut of feelings put across...
    Strange how when simple and very few words can sum it all up... how tough it is for the world to understand. It's cruel when everytime and each time one tries to move on...somewhere someone has to bring it all up for you to remain dazed and upset left alone to pick up all the pieces.
    But then u do pick up the pieces and move on.
    Don't fret together we move on...cheer up and hope u have a good weekend. :)


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