Nov 21, 2012

Fresh views and new beginnings

“She isn't crying, but I figure that's only a matter of time.  Scars are just a treasure map for pain you've buried too deep to remember.”   Edward's thoughts on Georgie. - Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult.
Started reading again...
I've FINALLY moved and the unpacking is almost's been a week and a half....things are settling.. Most of the furniture is in.

The kids love their rooms, the view of the park is great, quiet neighbours and my collection of potted plants is picking up..

Can't wait to get back to some of my old routines.. (this is one of them).. so tired of looking at furniture !!.

The monsoon season is starting, Christmas is coming on in a hurry...



  1. I lived in Bangkok for several years, and I remember the monsoons well! Remind me where you live again? Good luck with getting settled in. A move is a fresh beginning but is also very stressful! All the best!

    1. Hi Galen, it's Singapore..
      Thanks for dropping by


  2. Welcome back! I'm glad to read your life's looking up.

    Greetings from London.

  3. BM hey, feel so happy that you are on the right lane now. Wish I could see ur selection of the potted plants. I wouldn't, know many places but every time I cross that section in IKEA which has their limited collection i forget all about the availability of space and light and feel like owning all. Thanks for stopping by on my last post. Am a bit bust these days but will be back as soon as I am able to fish out that time for self talk. Hope u shall not give up on me and hear me if and when I need some sharing. Sry but am I asking much?

  4. Congratulations on the new home! May you experience so much that is good in this new phase in your life.

  5. Monsoon??? yikes!!! But love how you sound....settling down into feeling comfortable and back to reading is always great. Congrats on the new home. In Jewish we have this tradition when we move into a new place we put a little cup or jar of honey in a cupboard as a sign to have a sweet life for as long as we live's what I wish you...a sweet life in your new place.


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