Feb 3, 2010


A superb idea to let the memories spill,
what was so present and frequently intrusive
now seems inconsequential and quite dismissive.

Endeavour more to free me now
to strengthen mind and spirit,
as baggage unloads to exit.

I shall pursue this freeing exercise,
a difference I feel, it does liberate.
My heart shall be lighter, I anticipate. 
(- HA)


  1. Praying with you!!
    Blessings, andrea

  2. Keep trying and keep trying until you succeed.. I am praying for you BM

  3. The problem is, is that we get older and we sometimes use things as a sort of "security blanket". Think back, did that memory mean something? We spend far too long carrying the burdens of memories that weigh us down. Let them go, and you will feel lighter.
    We all spend most of our lives carrying things that don't really matter around with us.

  4. My belief is that only if we try hard we can finally break the chains of memories not by letting our memories to go away, memories are what we were/are what we felt good or bad. But we must get used of them , live with
    them, and then we feel better and free.
    I 'll keep you in my prayers BM, don't worry, I'm here for you and sending you a big hug!!
    Betty xx

  5. praying too. And in your corner. Sarah

  6. Appreciate the thought about experiencing freedom


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