Aug 16, 2009

Don't mind my age, it's the new 30 I'm told !!

Yesterday was my special day. (I'm acknowledging it, I'm wiser)
My middle child woke me up with a wide smile to wish me. He wanted to be the first.
That made my day. Started well, ended well with the family

Birthdays can be fun if you don’t think about the age 'bit'. I had an earlier celebration with a few friends to cover two of us who were celebrating. This year a friend suggested a rather unique idea to spend time together. We usually meet for dinner after work but instead of just dinner, we spent a half day together at one of their homes, learning to bake cake (most of us were just waiting to eat it) and going through our favourite craft- card crafts and rubber stamps(we get to mess up someone elses' study [kidding.. hope she's not reading this].
It was relaxing and wonderful because it was a time we spent being ourselves. We didn’t speak of work just the things we enjoyed and happily stuffed ourselves (diet tomorrow).

Don't know who said this but I like it.. 'Age is a matter of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter'.

Happy Birthday to all you mothers who have birthdays in August.

Aug 14, 2009

I need a break, but from what ?

I dont't know, and yet I know (u know what I mean??)
Lately I have been preoccupied with talk of the four seasons. Started from my earlier post, 'It must be wonderful', must be to do with a restlessness for change of scenery...and moving my thoughts away from my never-ending to-do-list.
We have but the monsoons, - sun and rain, let's not forget the moon.

Have been looking at photos, some of the blogs with beautiful pix and paintings by artists of old.
So serene, calm, colourful or just white. Some paintings look like the artist had a special secret when he or she painted the scene.
Is there art(not the photographic type) on typhoons or hurricanes?
Devastation we know, we hear, perhaps we do not want to or need to see.

Perhaps I just need a break.
The month of August is an eventful month, that's probably it, like getting older (ughh!)

Aug 13, 2009

Bully in my Backyard

Yesterday I was really worked up. My opinion about a certain person in my life just continues to get re-enforced negatively. I am amazed at how a man who thinks he loves his children and thinks is doing what's best for them, can play mind games with them in order to justify himself.
He is a bully (mildly put).

I am alone but not alone. Some of you may wonder why there is a conspicuous absence of mention of my other half. It is a painful story, a history which I have poured into an earlier blog I created first, the pain is stored there. It has helped me feel and channel my anger and act.
My healing is definitely on its’ way and this is my healing journal. My children will heal. They are resilient, they have each other, ‘always stick together’ is what I tell them. I’m re-learning to be me and my children will learn to be free. (no pity please, courage grows, God helps).

I must be on a roll.
Yesterday I read comments between a man and a woman, that got me upset. It was not about the particulars but the fact is that she is the one 'doing' the doing(not just talking) -looking after the children not him. Sounded like bullying.

Today a local news story. if you follow this link.. about a teacher who's a bully..

And no, I don't hate men (bwhaaha!! as my wonderful friend commented) - I have a great dad, brother and some wonderful brothers-in-laws and friends.

Man or woman there is no excuse in the world that justifies bullying.

"Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke" .Benjamin Disraeli British, Statesman Quotes

"True courage is cool and calm. The bravest of men have the least of a brutal, bullying insolence, and in the very time of danger are found the most serene and free. " Lord Shaftesbury 1671-1713, British Statesman

Left-handers Day

It's left handers day, wow I never knew there was such a day.

Happy left-handers Day.

Wonderful , not for me but for my kids(2 of them).

Aug 12, 2009

Miracle (Project Kyrie)

I am posting this on behalf of Project Kyrie - a modern day miracle event - a project for the poor. No major publicity but through emails and sms.

Kyrie Kitchen was launched on 6 August 2009!

Dear frens,
God has blessed Kyrie Kitchen with abundance and mercy!
We wish to thank all friends of Project Kyrie for responding with boundless generosity!
Everything we needed for the launch, we have received to the finest detail.
Because of you, we are able to launch Kyrie Kitchen to serve the poor and the hungry today. This is indeed a concerted effort of Project Kyrie’s community of friends. A solidarity of love, care and concern for the poor who live amongst us.
On behalf of the poor...
1) Thank you so much for providing the resources and equipment to set up the kitchen in just a few days. 2) Thank you for your monthly pledges of rice, chicken, vegetable, pepper, salt, sauces, peas, fruits and other food items. Every bag of rice, every plate of food served will go a long way in helping the poor.
3) Thank you for contributing to other ingredients for which we had to buy. 4) Thank you for volunteering to prepare, cook, pack, drive and distribute the food. 5) Thank you to restaurants and individuals for adding more meals to our effort so that we will not need to turn away the hungry. 6) Thank you to all, for taking time and effort to contact your network of friends to join in this mission.This is the vision of Project Kyrie coming alive. 7) Thank you also to friends for collaborating with us to distribute used clothes and brand new Croc s sandals.
And.... How does 200 hot meals become 1700 meals within a week?
My 73 year old mother stepped up and said ‘yes’ to feeding the poor and the hungry.
Her desire and courage was only for 200 packs of hot meals twice a month.
A tidal wave of kindness for the poor have swept through this project. Before my mother cooks her 1st hot meal today, we have received monthly pledges from restaurants and individuals to provide vegetable curries and nasi lemak.
A total of 500 extra meals. 200 + 500 = 700 hot meals
One of the locations, we will be serving tomorrow is the blue star dormitory, where 5000 low-waged and under privileged foreign immigrants are living.
Usually many will be turned away hungry when the hot meals run out. A kind and wonderful donor has stepped up to provide 1000 packets of Maggie noodles meal, every time we distribute food for the poor for a year. These would be given to sustain the hungry who would otherwise be turned away without food. So that’s a total of 700 + 1000 = 1700 meals!
\o/\o/\o/ Praise God! He has multiplied our 5 loaves and 2 fishes! He is indeed a God of love, mercy and faithfulness! Last but not least, we need your continuous support to allow this mission to grow and continue in the years to come.

- From Mill Singapore

Aug 11, 2009

The Heart

Have you ever felt it, a squishing of the heart, for your child?

too often ..

The Volcano

The immature man creates drama around ordinary events.
The narcissistic man holds us hostage.
When will it blow?
The fearful man cuts off ties.
Discipline is his noble motto, justified and righteous
Intimidation is the game,
for the good of the future.
To what end?
To be unstable, unforgiving, repressed, intolerant, impatient.
Terror he fills, fear he instills,
He claims for love sake.
Where’s the love, where’s the affection,
no one feels safe.
So much noise, so much hurt
Too much heartache.

No sensitivities only temper.
When will it blow?
The narcissistic man cannot hear.
The immature man cannot see.
He snickers at innocence.
Gentleness is alien to him.

This is the brim.

(HA – Sep 2008)
Out of darkness, we will climb one step and a time…. .

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