Mar 4, 2010

Remove Obstacles

I have slowed down the frequency of posting lately, only because I am falling behind and find myself racing to catch up with the train. It's been hectic but I am trying to stay centered and 'sane' inspite of everything.
I mentioned before that I have also taken up a course and so I have a couple of assignments to complete on top of the daily normal, usual and the extraordinary stuff that goes on called life.

My first thought today was -   is it  'life is for living' or 'living is for life' ?

Besides that,  I thought to share something interesting I read today from a book by Irvin D Yalom....
We all have the natural human instinct to live life, to grow and develop, to be well, to be happy. 
Therefore we don't need to work so hard at these, we merely need to recognise and remove the obstacles that block our paths and we will easily be on our way to achieving them.


  1. I stopped by here it seems by accident but I'm completely taken by your blog...I know I'll be back!

  2. May you be successful in your balancing act. May you find unexpected pleasures in your day.

  3. I so love Irvin Yalom's books. Let's be optimistic. That's my motto.
    Betty xx

  4. I like those last couple of lines about living and removing the obstacles....I never heard of Yalom but I like this thought. have a great weekend.

  5. Optimism is one of the best traits a person can have. As for you phrases, I think you can say them any way and find different meaning, which is great.



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