Sep 9, 2009

Football with Grandpa

On Sunday, I went walking with my two sons and grandpa came along. We walked for about half and hour and stopped by the park. The boys had brought their ball with them and so they started to play football.

What got to me was that grandpa who is in his mid-seventies decided to join them. My dad exercises regularly so I think he might be fitter than me anyway. Grandpa had moves to show his grandsons who have not had too much practise had this.
It was for that moment of time that I wished I could freeze and re-play over and over and just hold on to that feeling that wrapped around me. It was a happy playful half hour in the park, the three of them laughing and just having fun.

I have this thought(I won't say what), I think about it often.
My dad is a great person and a wonderful grandfather and I hope I have him for many more good years.


  1. Cherish him, time passes too quickly.
    I do wish my dad could be more a grandpa to my boy. Dote and have fun with! There is nothing on my dad's mind except studies and being overly protective when the boy is ill.

    It's stifling!

  2. I agree with Gaia time passes much too quickly. My dad is also in his 70's and I have the same thought about him and I don't like thinking of that. He lives in upstate NY while we are down here in GA and I really miss him sometimes and hope to see him soon as he is not getting any younger! But I'm thankful that we keep in touch on the phone!


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