Aug 29, 2011

Divorce Coach | A Narcissist Will Not Cease and Desist!

I came across this blog through's Mandy's blog and there's a picture close to my reality..I did marry a narcissist..This is what stresses me out, will he desist?

Divorce Coach | A Narcissist Will Not Cease and Desist!

Aug 25, 2011

That time of the month...

This is a post that only women CAN understand.  I haven't hit 50 yet,  I keep thinking that instead of getting better during THAT time of the month, it feels worse. .. hormones !!!!
Today this is how I feel, my body feels like it has aged 20years or more and my eyes feel like my brain is squishing down on it and my joints feel stiff and sore (like I'm 90 though I have no idea how a 70 year old feels either).  It's like overnight,  someone took my body and replaced it with some old cranked up worn down body.  That SUMS IT UP.

But thankfully usually and HOPEFULLY, it's over within a couple of days, but it's horrible when you can't take off and you have to sit in the office and work and smile like everything is normal, FINE and DANDY.

The primrose isn't helping.!

Aug 17, 2011


I stepped out this morning
the earth smelt fresh, washed,
very little was stirring
even the sun seemed abashed,
hidden behind veils of white,
not a human sound
nor one in sight.

Then, further down the road,
an engine, a gnawing drone
dogs awaken in their abode
I am no longer alone.

The newspaper arrives,
hear the barks come alive.

What news brings the day
houses rouse, raps and thuds,
a cool breeze whispers, leaves sway,
alone, me and my thoughts.

(HA 08/11)

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