WARNING: reading this post could seriously depress you.
Jealousy, envy lately .... I have been thinking and comparing my life with others who just seem luckier, happier, and much more comfortable with not a care in the world.
Generally feeling sorry for myself!.
Why me?

It's would be so easy to give it all up, run away. Have thought about dying. What if I had pretended that this was normal and let it be and just wait for the kids to grow up. What if I not rocked the boat.
But I could not - I have a responsibility to the children, they would suffer; don't I have a responsibility to my folks too?. But they seem to be doing more of the looking out for me than the reverse.
I am tired of living with a sociopath. I'm not being objective right now, I know that, I'm looking at the jungle as a whole - a big mess. I'll break it down once I've blown off steam.
There is a solution and yet not a solution, there are consequences and yet it will be better once I get over the next mountain. I believe that right now I am looking at the mountain.
Dear St Jude I'm still waiting for our peace of mind.
God does not give us more than we can handle, I hope that is seriously true......
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